Are there any people in your life that have wronged you in any way?  Are you still hanging on to all the emotions that are attached to someone who has caused you grief, anger, hate, hurt, pain and suffering?  If you answered yes, it is time for you to let go of that anger and those old feelings and emotions that are limiting you from moving forward.

Forgiving should not be about making someone else feel good about their actions – Forgiving is about YOU and allowing you to move past whatever event that someone has inflicted on to you in order for you to move forward in a positive way. 

Think about how you feel when someone causes you anger or hurt, it doesnt’ feel good – you withdraw yourself, your body tightens, you clench your fists and your teeth – all things that will cause your body to respond negatively.  Allowing these negative feelings to fester will cause you to become emotionally and physically sick and may even lead to serious illness later in life.  When you don’t let go of the past and when you do not allow yourself to forgive yourself or anyone else that has wronged you – you are only causing yourself emotional and physical pain.

Forgiveness does not justify the actions of those that may have hurt you.  You should remember the hurts and pains that others may have caused you – these are opportunities to learn and grown.  Take your experiences and help others that may have been in a similar situation and help them move forward.  It is hard to forgive someone who has committed a horrible act against you or against someone you love, but if you don’t the alternative can be devasting for you, for your loved ones and for anyone else that comes into your life. 

I have forgiven many people who have caused some minor issues in my life – that was easy.   It was much more difficult to forgive people in my life that have caused me so much hurt, pain, anger and suffering but if I didn’t, I would still be hurting and suffering.  What if you forgive someone and they continue to cause you hurt and pain?  How can you move forward in a positve way and contribute to society if someone continues to hurt you?  You can’t.  In my personal experience, I have removed myself from situations and people that I have forgiven but continue the behaviour that I have forgiven them for.  I also try not to judge those I am forgiving becauase I don’t know what may have happened in their past, maybe they are suffering and holding on to emotions from the past that perpetuate their behaviour?

If you can truly forgive – the potential for creating wonderful, positive, healthy and a rewarding life is endless.  Look within yourself and think about those that you may want to forgive in your past and in your current life.  Forgive them and move on!  You may be the one that someone else needs to forgive – think about that and allow yourself to make things right for those that require your forgiveness.  

May the positive energy you give out into the world – find its way back into your heart and soul!

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